당사는 당사 웹페이지를 개선하기 위해 쿠키를 사용합니다. 당사의 쿠키 정책 을 읽으십시오.

NAS 튜토리얼 - ASUSTOR College

ASUSTOR NAS에 관해 자세히 알고 싶으십니까?

ASUSTOR 칼리지는 따라 배우기 쉬운 다양한 강좌를 제공함으로써 여러분이 NAS에 관한 자세한 내용을 빠르게 배울 수 있습니다. 강좌는 난이도와 주제에 따라 구분되어 여러분이 자신의 지식 수준과 필요에 맞는 강좌를 선택할 수 있습니다.

ASUSTOR College 퀴즈를 풀어 뱃지를 얻으세요.
각 단계별 퀴즈를 끝내면 수료증과 함께 자세한 내용을 알려주는 알림 메시지가 표시됩니다.
레벨 4는 아직 오픈되지 않았습니다.
레벨: 2
백업 및 데이터 보호
가정 및 SOHO 애플리케이션
기업용 애플리케이션

레벨: 2

NAS 201
NAS에 대한 푸시 알림을 구성하는 방법에 대해 설명합니다. 테스트
NAS 202
SSD 캐싱을 사용하여 NAS 속도를 높이는 방법을 알아보십시오. 테스트
NAS 206
NAS를 Windows Active Directory 도메인에 연결 테스트
NAS 208
다양한 장치를 사용하여 WebDAV를 통해 NAS에 연결 테스트
NAS 221
EZ-Connect를 사용하여 ASUSTOR NAS를 인터넷에 연결하기 테스트
NAS 223
공유 링크를 사용하여 ASUSTOR NAS와 파일을 공유합니다. 테스트
NAS 224
NAS의 인터넷 연결 수동 구성 테스트
NAS 225
FTP사이트에 연결하고 파일 전송하는 방법에 관해 설명합니다. 테스트
NAS 226
DHCP서버를 사용하여 모든 네트워크 장치에 IP주소를 자동으로 할당하는 방법에 대해 설명합니다. 테스트
NAS 227
AEC(ASUSTOR EZ Connect)에 대해 설명합니다. 테스트
NAS 228
EZ Sync 의 기본 특장점을 설명합니다. 테스트
NAS 234
AiMusic의 기본 기능 및 사용 방법에 대해 설명합니다. 테스트
NAS 235
ASUSTOR NAS 에서Plex Media Server 사용법 테스트
NAS 236
Photo Gallery 3 및 AiFoto 3를 사용하여 NAS와의 사진 공유 및 관리 방법 알아보기 테스트
NAS 242
나의 모바일 디바이스로 AiMaster 사용하기 테스트
NAS 243
스마트폰이나 태블릿에서 AiData 사용하기 테스트
NAS 244
ASUSTOR NAS에 Subversion의 서버 설정에 관해 설명합니다. 테스트
NAS 245
ASUSTOR NAS에서 Git 저장소 구성하기
NAS 246
모바일 장치에서AiVideos를 사용하여 비디오 및 디지털 TV를 스트리밍 하는 방법에 대해 설명합니다. 테스트
NAS 248
Apple TV를 사용하여 NAS에서 비디오를 재생할 수 있습니다. 테스트
NAS 249
VirtualBox로 ASUSTOR NAS에서 가상 머신 구성 및 실행하는 방법에 대해 설명합니다 테스트
NAS 250
데이터싱크 센터를 사용하여 파일을 클라우드 저장소와 동기화하는 방법을 알아봅니다. 테스트
NAS 251
RAID 및 NAS 상에서 RAID 볼륨을 만드는 방법에 대해 설명합니다. 테스트
NAS 253
ASUSTOR NAS로 백업 계획을 세우는 방법에 대해 설명합니다. 테스트
NAS 254
클라우드 백업을 사용하여 ASUSTOR NAS의 데이터를 Amazon S3에 백업하는 방법을 배웁니다. 테스트
NAS 255
MyArchive 하드 디스크 만들기 및 사용하는 방법에 대해 설명합니다. 테스트
NAS 257
FTP를 사용하여 ASUSTOR NAS에 또는 ASUSTOR NAS로부터 데이터를 백업하는 방법에 대해 설명합니다. 테스트
NAS 258
SMB를 사용하여 ASUSTOR NAS에 또는 ASUSTOR NAS로부터 데이터를 백업하는 방법에 대해 설명합니다. 테스트
NAS 259
원격 ASUSTOR NAS에 Rsync 백업 작업을 만들고 실행하는 방법에 대해 설명합니다 테스트
NAS 261
서베일런스 센터의 다양한 설정 방법에 대해 설명합니다. 테스트
NAS 262
서베일런스센터에서 카메라 라이센스 추가 및 관리하는 방법에 대해 설명합니다. 테스트
NAS 263
서베일런스 센터 맵 관리하는 방법에 대해 설명합니다. 테스트
NAS 264
모바일 장치에서 AiSecure 사용 테스트
NAS 265
RSS 피드와 다운로드 센터를 사용하여 토렌트 다운로드를 자동화하는 방법에 대해 설명합니다. 테스트
NAS 269
아수스토어 NAS에서 메일 서버를 구성하는 방법에 대해 설명합니다. 테스트
NAS 271
ASUSTOR NAS의 MIB 파일의 기초에 대해 설명합니다. 테스트
NAS 272
NAS를 Syslog서버로 사용하여 모든 네트워크 장치에서 로그를 중앙 집중식으로 관리하는 방법에 대해 설명합니다. 테스트
NAS 273
ASUSTOR NAS에서 협업을 위해 OnlyOffice와 함께 Nextcloud 설치 및 사용하기 테스트

동영상 (110)

ASUSTOR Lockerstor Gen3 and Flashstor Gen2 Transcoding Guide

ASUSTOR Lockerstor Gen3 and Flashstor Gen2 Transcoding Guide

USB4 Networking Guide - From ASUSTOR NAS to Another ASUSTOR NAS

USB4 Networking Guide - From ASUSTOR NAS to Another ASUSTOR NAS

Getting SMB Multichannel Up and Running on your Flashstor 12 Pro Gen2 NAS

Getting SMB Multichannel Up and Running on your Flashstor 12 Pro Gen2 NAS

Getting SMB Multichannel Set Up and Running on your ASUSTOR Lockerstor Gen3

Getting SMB Multichannel Set Up and Running on your ASUSTOR Lockerstor Gen3

Installing or Replacing M.2 SSDs Inside Your Flashstor Gen2 NAS

Installing or Replacing M.2 SSDs Inside Your Flashstor Gen2 NAS

Replacing RAM on your Lockerstor Gen3 NAS

Replacing RAM on your Lockerstor Gen3 NAS

Adding M.2 SSDs to your Lockerstor Gen3 NAS

Adding M.2 SSDs to your Lockerstor Gen3 NAS

ASUSTOR College - Setting up an OpenVPN Server on your ASUSTOR NAS

ASUSTOR College - Setting up an OpenVPN Server on your ASUSTOR NAS

ASUSTOR College - Setting up and using WireGuard VPN

ASUSTOR College - Setting up and using WireGuard VPN

The ASUSTOR Quick and Dirty Guide for Using Adobe Premiere Pro with your ASUSTOR NAS

The ASUSTOR Quick and Dirty Guide for Using Adobe Premiere Pro with your ASUSTOR NAS

The Drivestor 2 Lite is Here!

The Drivestor 2 Lite is Here!

ASUSTOR College - Datasync Centre

ASUSTOR College - Datasync Centre

ASUSTOR College - Setting up the Greylist

ASUSTOR College - Setting up the Greylist

Setting up WORM on your ASUSTOR NAS

Setting up WORM on your ASUSTOR NAS

Streaming to your Smart TV with your ASUSTOR NAS with UPnP

Streaming to your Smart TV with your ASUSTOR NAS with UPnP

What do the LEDs on my ASUSTOR NAS Mean?

What do the LEDs on my ASUSTOR NAS Mean?

What Network Ports are used by ASUSTOR NAS Devices?

What Network Ports are used by ASUSTOR NAS Devices?

ASUSTOR College FAQs - Enabling and Disabling TLS 1.3 in Windows 10.

ASUSTOR College FAQs - Enabling and Disabling TLS 1.3 in Windows 10.

ASUSTOR College FAQs - Resetting Settings on your ASUSTOR NAS with the Reset Button

ASUSTOR College FAQs - Resetting Settings on your ASUSTOR NAS with the Reset Button

Installing Alternate OSs on ASUSTOR NAS Part VI - TrueNAS Scale on Lockerstor Gen1, AS52/53

Installing Alternate OSs on ASUSTOR NAS Part VI - TrueNAS Scale on Lockerstor Gen1, AS52/53

Installing Alternate OSs on ASUSTOR NAS Part V - OMV on Lockerstor Gen1, AS52/53

Installing Alternate OSs on ASUSTOR NAS Part V - OMV on Lockerstor Gen1, AS52/53

Installing Alternate OSs on ASUSTOR NAS Part IV - UnRAID on Lockerstor Gen1, AS52/53

Installing Alternate OSs on ASUSTOR NAS Part IV - UnRAID on Lockerstor Gen1, AS52/53

Installing Alternate OSs on ASUSTOR NAS Part III - UnRAID on Flashstor, Lockerstor Gen2, AS54

Installing Alternate OSs on ASUSTOR NAS Part III - UnRAID on Flashstor, Lockerstor Gen2, AS54

Installing Alternate OSs on ASUSTOR NAS Part II - OpenMediaVault on Flashstor, Lockerstor Gen2, AS54

Installing Alternate OSs on ASUSTOR NAS Part II - OpenMediaVault on Flashstor, Lockerstor Gen2, AS54

Installing Alternate OSs on ASUSTOR NAS Part I - TrueNAS Scale on Flashstor, Lockerstor Gen2, AS54

Installing Alternate OSs on ASUSTOR NAS Part I - TrueNAS Scale on Flashstor, Lockerstor Gen2, AS54

ASUSTOR Explainer - Why does Playback on Plex Run Slowly on my Flashstor or Lockerstor Gen2?

ASUSTOR Explainer - Why does Playback on Plex Run Slowly on my Flashstor or Lockerstor Gen2?

ASUSTOR Explainer - Why does the Flashstor not include heatsinks for SSDs?

ASUSTOR Explainer - Why does the Flashstor not include heatsinks for SSDs?

ASUSTOR College - Performing System Migration with SSD Caching

ASUSTOR College - Performing System Migration with SSD Caching

ASUSTOR College 258 - SMB Backup - NAS to Windows

ASUSTOR College 258 - SMB Backup - NAS to Windows

ASUSTOR College 258 - SMB Backup - NAS to NAS

ASUSTOR College 258 - SMB Backup - NAS to NAS

ASUSTOR College Episode 343 - System Migration with M.2 Volumes

ASUSTOR College Episode 343 - System Migration with M.2 Volumes

ASUSTOR College 251 - Replacing M.2 SSD in RAID volume with Redundancy

ASUSTOR College 251 - Replacing M.2 SSD in RAID volume with Redundancy

ASUSTOR College Episode 352 - Expanding Capacity with M.2 SSDs and your ASUSTOR Flashstor

ASUSTOR College Episode 352 - Expanding Capacity with M.2 SSDs and your ASUSTOR Flashstor

ASUSTOR College - What to do When a Hard Drive Fails

ASUSTOR College - What to do When a Hard Drive Fails

ASUSTOR College Episode 340 - Installing the AS-T10G3 into Lockerstor 4 and 6 Gen2 devices.

ASUSTOR College Episode 340 - Installing the AS-T10G3 into Lockerstor 4 and 6 Gen2 devices.

ASUSTOR College Episode 340 - Installing the AS-T10G3 into Lockerstor R NAS devices.

ASUSTOR College Episode 340 - Installing the AS-T10G3 into Lockerstor R NAS devices.

Making 3-2-1 Backups is Easy with ASUSTOR

Making 3-2-1 Backups is Easy with ASUSTOR

Saving Energy with ASUSTOR

Saving Energy with ASUSTOR

3-2-1 Backups - Best Practises

3-2-1 Backups - Best Practises

ASUSTOR College Episode 353 - Mitigating Ransomware Risks

ASUSTOR College Episode 353 - Mitigating Ransomware Risks

ASUSTOR College 325 - Introducing Reverse Proxies

ASUSTOR College 325 - Introducing Reverse Proxies

ASUSTOR College - Using your NAS with Adobe Lightroom

ASUSTOR College - Using your NAS with Adobe Lightroom

ASUSTOR College 110 - Introducing Access Control

ASUSTOR College 110 - Introducing Access Control

ASUSTOR College Episode 201 - Push Notifications

ASUSTOR College Episode 201 - Push Notifications

ASUSTOR College Episode 123 - SMB Multichannel

ASUSTOR College Episode 123 - SMB Multichannel

ASUSTOR College - Datasync Centre

ASUSTOR College - Datasync Centre

Using WebDAV on macOS with your ASUSTOR NAS

Using WebDAV on macOS with your ASUSTOR NAS

Using WebDAV with Windows 95, 98 and Windows Me

Using WebDAV with Windows 95, 98 and Windows Me

Using Final Cut Pro with your ASUSTOR NAS

Using Final Cut Pro with your ASUSTOR NAS

ASUSTOR College Episode 105 - Introduction to Networking

ASUSTOR College Episode 105 - Introduction to Networking

ASUSTOR College Episode 228 - Introducing EZ Sync

ASUSTOR College Episode 228 - Introducing EZ Sync

ASUSTOR College 151 - Removing NAS Credentials from Microsoft Windows

ASUSTOR College 151 - Removing NAS Credentials from Microsoft Windows

ASUSTOR College Bonus Video - Installing ADM to your SSDs

ASUSTOR College Bonus Video - Installing ADM to your SSDs

ASUSTOR College Episode 202 - Using SSD Caching on your ASUSTOR NAS

ASUSTOR College Episode 202 - Using SSD Caching on your ASUSTOR NAS

Setting up Your New ASUSTOR NAS

Setting up Your New ASUSTOR NAS

Migrating from Google Photos to Photo Gallery 3 in 45 Seconds

Migrating from Google Photos to Photo Gallery 3 in 45 Seconds

ASUSTOR College 249-II Setting up Virtualbox (Linux)

ASUSTOR College 249-II Setting up Virtualbox (Linux)

ASUSTOR College 249-I Setting up Virtualbox (Windows)

ASUSTOR College 249-I Setting up Virtualbox (Windows)

Setting Up a Storage Volume on an M.2 SSD in an ASUSTOR NAS

Setting Up a Storage Volume on an M.2 SSD in an ASUSTOR NAS

Connecting your AS-U2.5G2 to the included USB-A Adapter

Connecting your AS-U2.5G2 to the included USB-A Adapter

Episode 360 - Installing and Setting Up VPN Server on your ASUSTOR NAS

Episode 360 - Installing and Setting Up VPN Server on your ASUSTOR NAS

Setting up RAID On your ASUSTOR NAS

Setting up RAID On your ASUSTOR NAS

Adding HTTP Secure to your NAS

Adding HTTP Secure to your NAS

Using Portainer with an ASUSTOR NAS

Using Portainer with an ASUSTOR NAS

Using your ASUSTOR NAS with Adobe

Using your ASUSTOR NAS with Adobe

Connecting to a VPN with your ASUSTOR NAS

Connecting to a VPN with your ASUSTOR NAS

Using AiFoto 3 and Photo Gallery with your ASUSTOR NAS

Using AiFoto 3 and Photo Gallery with your ASUSTOR NAS

Installing SSDs on your Lockerstor 2 and 4 NAS

Installing SSDs on your Lockerstor 2 and 4 NAS

Using an Asustor NAS with Apple Mac OS for Time Machine Backup – Asustor College 108

Using an Asustor NAS with Apple Mac OS for Time Machine Backup – Asustor College 108

Using your ASUSTOR NAS on macOS

Using your ASUSTOR NAS on macOS

ASUSTOR College Episode 11 - Snapshots and Btrfs

ASUSTOR College Episode 11 - Snapshots and Btrfs

ASUSTOR College Episode 10 - Introducing iSCSI

ASUSTOR College Episode 10 - Introducing iSCSI

ASUSTOR College Episode 4 - Using an ASUSTOR NAS on Microsoft Windows Part I

ASUSTOR College Episode 4 - Using an ASUSTOR NAS on Microsoft Windows Part I

How to synchronize your devices anywhere you go by using AiData?

How to synchronize your devices anywhere you go by using AiData?

ASUSTOR College Episode 6 - Introducing Sleep Mode

ASUSTOR College Episode 6 - Introducing Sleep Mode

ASUSTOR College Episode 8 - NAS-NAS Backup II - FTP

ASUSTOR College Episode 8 - NAS-NAS Backup II - FTP

ASUSTOR College Episode 9 - Introducing Surveillance Center

ASUSTOR College Episode 9 - Introducing Surveillance Center

ASUSTOR College Episode 7 - NAS-NAS Backup I - Rsync

ASUSTOR College Episode 7 - NAS-NAS Backup I - Rsync

The All New AS40T Series by ASUSTOR. Spoiler alert: It's Fast!

The All New AS40T Series by ASUSTOR. Spoiler alert: It's Fast!

How to remotely access your ASUSTOR NAS without the hassle? (EZ Connect)

How to remotely access your ASUSTOR NAS without the hassle? (EZ Connect)

ASUSTOR College Episode 1 - System Migration

ASUSTOR College Episode 1 - System Migration

How to Back Up Data to your Asustor NAS?

How to Back Up Data to your Asustor NAS?

How to set up a network drive using Windows.

How to set up a network drive using Windows.

ASUSTOR 10G NAS, AS40 Series Introduction

ASUSTOR 10G NAS, AS40 Series Introduction

Playing Music from SoundsGood to your Audio System with ASUSTOR NAS

Playing Music from SoundsGood to your Audio System with ASUSTOR NAS

[How-to] RAM Installation for AS50, 51, 61, 62, 70 series (French)

[How-to] RAM Installation for AS50, 51, 61, 62, 70 series (French)

影片敎學:如何更換 ASUSTOR NAS記憶體 (中文)

影片敎學:如何更換 ASUSTOR NAS記憶體 (中文)

影片敎學:如何更換 ASUSTOR NAS記憶體 (中文)

影片敎學:如何更換 ASUSTOR NAS記憶體 (中文)

ASUSTOR AS5 & AS61/62 Series RAM Installation

ASUSTOR AS5 & AS61/62 Series RAM Installation

ASUSTOR AS31 & AS10 Series

ASUSTOR AS31 & AS10 Series

Enjoy Music From Spotify on Your ASUSTOR NAS

Enjoy Music From Spotify on Your ASUSTOR NAS

Playing Music from ASUSTOR NAS with a Sonos Wireless Speaker

Playing Music from ASUSTOR NAS with a Sonos Wireless Speaker

ASUSTOR NAS - Playing Videos with AiVideos

ASUSTOR NAS - Playing Videos with AiVideos

ASUSTOR NAS - Playing Videos With Google Chromecast and AiVideos

ASUSTOR NAS - Playing Videos With Google Chromecast and AiVideos

Initializing Your NAS with Your Phone

Initializing Your NAS with Your Phone

ASUSTOR NAS 70T Series RAM Installation

ASUSTOR NAS 70T Series RAM Installation

ASUSTOR - Playing Music with AiMusic

ASUSTOR - Playing Music with AiMusic

Accessing your ASUSTOR NAS from a Mac

Accessing your ASUSTOR NAS from a Mac

ASUSTOR - Introducing Scheduled Night Mode and Disk Hibernation Indicators

ASUSTOR - Introducing Scheduled Night Mode and Disk Hibernation Indicators

Instantly Find and Share Files From Your ASUSTOR NAS

Instantly Find and Share Files From Your ASUSTOR NAS

ASUSTOR Surveillance Center - New Year Edition

ASUSTOR Surveillance Center - New Year Edition

Turn Your ASUSTOR NAS Into a Hi-Fi Stereo System - Part I

Turn Your ASUSTOR NAS Into a Hi-Fi Stereo System - Part I

Turn Your ASUSTOR NAS Into a Hi-Fi Stereo System - Part II

Turn Your ASUSTOR NAS Into a Hi-Fi Stereo System - Part II

ASUSTOR NAS: Your Cloud and Beyond

ASUSTOR NAS: Your Cloud and Beyond

Introducing the ASUSTOR AS 3 Series

Introducing the ASUSTOR AS 3 Series



Using Wake-on-LAN with ASUSTOR NAS

Using Wake-on-LAN with ASUSTOR NAS

Accessing Your ASUSTOR NAS Part 3 (Windows)

Accessing Your ASUSTOR NAS Part 3 (Windows)

Accessing Your ASUSTOR NAS Part 2 (Windows)

Accessing Your ASUSTOR NAS Part 2 (Windows)

Accessing Your ASUSTOR NAS Part 1 (Windows)

Accessing Your ASUSTOR NAS Part 1 (Windows)