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Gitbucket Current asustor NAS App

Gitbucket Current


A Git platform powered by Scala with easy installation, high extensibility & GitHub API compatibility.

GitBucket is a Git web platform powered by Scala offering:

Easy installation
Intuitive UI
High extensibility by plugins
API compatibility with GitHub

The current version of GitBucket provides many features such as:

Public / Private Git repositories (with http/https and ssh access)
GitLFS support
Repository viewer including an online file editor
Issues, Pull Requests and Wiki for repositories
Activity timeline and email notifications
Account and group management with LDAP integration
a Plug-in system


Default Port: 8080
Default User: root
Default Pass: root

You can find GitBucketHome: /share/GitBucketHome
Log will be saved to here : /share/GitBucketHome/gitbucket.log

GitBucket has a plug-in system that allows extra functionality. Officially the following plug-ins are provided:


You can find more plugins made by the community at GitBucket community plugins.

(This version based on BlackRose's 4.30.1 but shutdown issue fixed and updated to 4.38.4)


# Changelog
All changes to the project will be documented in this file.

## 4.38.4 - 2 Nov 2022
- Downgrade MariaDB JDBC drive to avoid unknown error

## 4.38.3 - 30 Oct 2022
- Fix several issues around multiple assignees in issues and pull requests
- Fix IllegalStateException when returning unknown avatar image

## 4.38.2 - 20 Sep 2022
- Resurrect assignee icons on the issue list

## 4.38.1 - 10 Sep 2022
- Fix comment diff in Chrome 105
- Fix Markdown table CSS
- Fix HTML rendering of multiple asignees

## 4.38.0 - 3 Sep 2022
- Support multiple assignees for Issues and Pull requests
- Custom fields for issues and pull requests
- Reset password by users
- Allow to configure Jetty idle timeout in standalone mode
- Horizontal scroll for too wide tables in Markdown
- Hide header content on signin and register page
- Fix the default charset of the online editor in the repository viewer
- Fix the milestone count
- Some improvements and bugfixes for WebAPI and WebHook

## 4.37.2 - 16 Jan 2022
- Fixed a security issue reported by [Positive Technologies](https://www.ptsecurity.com/ww-en/). Great thanks for their detailed report and close support!

## 4.37.1 - 14 Dec 2021
- Update gist-plugin and notification-plugin
- Fix SSHCommand extension point for apache-sshd 2.x

## 4.37.0 - 11 Dec 2021
- Enhance Git Reference APIs
- Add milestone data to issue list API
- Support "all" in issue list API
- Support EDDSA in signed commit verification
- Support custom SSH url
- Relax max passward length limitation
- Relax max webhook url length limitation

## 4.36.2 - 16 Aug 2021
- Escape user name in avatar image tag

## 4.36.1 - 22 Jul 2021
- Bump gitbucket-gist-plugin to 4.21.0

## 4.36.0 - 17 Jul 2021
- Tag selector in the repository viewer
- Link issues/pull requests of other repositories
- Files and lines can be linked in the diff view
- Option to disable XSS protection

## 4.35.3 - 14 Jan 2021
- Fix a bug that Wiki page cannot be deleted
- Fix a deployment issue on Tomcat

## 4.35.2 - 30 Dec 2020
- Upgrade gitbucket-notifications-plugin to 1.10.0
- Upgrade oauth2-oidc-sdk to 8.29.1 to solve dependency issue

## 4.35.1 - 29 Dec 2020
- Fix database migration issue which happens if webhook is configured
- Call push webhook when pull request is merged
- Show commit status at commits tab of pull request

## 4.35.0 - 25 Dec 2020
- Editor and source viewer color theme
- Auto completion for issues and pull requests
- Upload image from clipboard
- Close multiple issues by commit comment
- Create pull request from online editor
- Milestone overview
- Commit status at various places
- WebAPI coverage improvements

## 4.34.0 - 26 Jul 2020
- Enhancement admin settings UI
- File upload settings
- Restrict repository operations
- User-defined CSS
- Limit the repository list in the sidebar
- Improve MariaDB support
- Improve activity logging
- CLI option to persist session on disk in the standalone mode
- Web API updates
- Add [list commits API](https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/commits/#list-commits)
- Bundled plugins updates
- [gitbucket-gist-plugin](https://github.com/gitbucket/gitbucket-gist-plugin) 4.18.0 -> 4.19.0
- [gitbucket-notifications-plugin](https://github.com/gitbucket/gitbucket-notifications-plugin) 1.8.0 -> 1.9.0

## 4.33.0 - 31 Dec 2019
- All CLI options are configurable by environment variables
- Folding pull request files
- WebHook security options
- Add assignee and assignees properties to some Web APIs' response

## 4.32.0 - 7 Aug 2019
- Bump to Scala 2.13.0 and Scalatra 2.7.0
- Draft pull request
- Drop network installation of plugins
- Compare view works for commit id
- Apply default priority to pull requests
- Focus title after clicking issue / pull request edit button

## 4.31.2 - 7 Apr 2019
- Bug and security fix

## 4.31.1 - 17 Mar 2019
- Bug fix

## 4.31.0 - 17 Mar 2019
- Docker support in CI plugin
- Verify GPG key signed commit
- OAuth2 Token (sent as a parameter) authentication support and new APIs in Web API
- OGP (Open Graph protocol) support
- Username completion with avatars

Gitbucket Current asustor NAS App