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Roon Server asustor NAS App

Roon Server


Roon 可以統一管理您的個人音樂檔案、TIDAL 串流和網絡廣播電台,並新增豐富的資訊,如演唱者照片、簡歷、巡迴日期、歌詞等。
將 Roon Server 與 Mac、Windows、iOS 和 Android 版本的 Apps 搭配使用,您可以將 NAS 上存放的音樂串流傳輸到 Sonos、AirPlay、Squeezebox 和 Roon Ready 設備。


- webinterface should now work with php8.x

- Changes for ADM 4
- Minimum ADM version has been increased to ADM 4 due to missing or too old library files in ADM 3.x. These library files will soon be required for Roon Server to work.
- All database folders are now parented in a “RoonOnNAS”-folder (they will be migrated when updating)
- custom ffmpeg can now be provided in RoonOnNAS/bin directory
- Rewrite of PID handling
- Rewrite of bash scripts

- fixed a bug which prevented the user to set Roon Servers database location
- updated Roon icons

- Fixed security issue.
- Minor fixes and adjustments

- No need to reauthorise Roon Server after reboot (RoonServer 1.7 - build 571 or higher)
- Minor fixes and adjustments

- No to have entware as a dependency anymore, because Bash is bundled now with the app.
- bundled bash will only be used if no other bash is available at /bin/bash.
- Fixed and enhanced some log messages.

- RoonServer will be dowloaded after App installation.
- Everything implemented.
- Directory picker uses php function again.
- Links to github implemented.

- Still uses Asustor API to select storage path for Roon Server's database
- Download of log files function not yet possible

First submission.
- Currently uses php to create a a folder tree in the web ui. This will be changed to the API using fileExplorer.cgi.
- Log download and Re-Download of RoonServer binaries not yet implemented.
- currently requires entware and ffmpeg as a dependency.

Roon Server asustor NAS App