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Q: Using Firefox to connect Surveillance Center with HTTPS in Windows


#Surveillance Center # Firefox # HTTPS # Windows

If you are using Firefox and choose to use a HTTPS connection, please follow the steps below to manually add a security exception in order to successfully connect using HTTPS.

Note: The maximum security protocol supported by Surveillance Center is TLS 1.1. To use Surveillance Center, please adjust your settings to match. TLS settings are found in ADM Settings under General.

  1. Open the Firefox menu and click on [Settings].

  2. Select [Privacy & Security] [Certificates] [View Certificates...].

  3. The Certificate Manager window will now open. Select the [Servers] tab and click on [Add Exception…].

  4. In the "Location" field, enter [] and then click on [Get Certificate]. After you are finished, click on [Confirm Security Exception].

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