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  • ASUSTOR NAS 華芸 Drive Utilities

    Make Efficient Use of Idle Bays

    ASUSTOR designs a variety of models with different numbers of drive bays to meet the different needs for storage capacity. Install Drive Utilities from App Central to use one or more empty drive bays to perform maintenance on hard drives including, but not limited to secure erasure of a drive and drive cloning.

    System Requirements: AS31, 32, 61, 62, 63, 64, Nimbustor, Nimbustor Gen2, Lockerstor, Lockerstor Gen2, Lockerstor Gen3, Lockerstor Pro, Flashstor, Flashstor Gen2, AS6004U, Xpanstor 4

    Asustor NAS 華芸 Make Efficient Use of Idle Bays

    Clone Everything!

    By using two or more empty bays on an ASUSTOR NAS or the expansion unit, all data in one of the hard drives or SSDs can be completely copied to another hard drive or SSD of the same or greater capacity. This helps to retain and/or back up all data on a drive.

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    Securely Erase a Drive

    When hard drives or SSDs are no longer needed, use the idle drive bays on your NAS or use an ASUSTOR expansion unit with Drive Utilities to securely erase data in a hard drive or SSD to prevent data recovery from unauthorized third parties.

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